...Quake2!... Imagine a player knowing Quake2 inside out. Imagine a player like you and me
having played Quake2 a thousand times... let's suppose his name is John ...John has
played Quake2 often enough that he already didn't know anymore when he started with it ...
playing Quake2 on the net was like sleepwalking and every weapon like an old friend for
him ... no one was able to beat him in this game ... he knew every possibility of this
game and all ways of using its items to defeat others...
But just like it sometimes happens: well-known things also can get bored, and John had
seen all those 'normal' ways of Quake2 to frag an opponent just one time to often. But one
day a friend told him to check out a weird modification named CHAOS DEATHMATCH ...
"Really new ways of fraggin' your enemy! Try it and like it!", he said... John
was skeptical...but anyway, he had nothing to loose, and so he downloaded it, installed
it, and the next night he entered the first time a Chaos Deathmatch game:
...John was a little bit confused: he hadn't his old standard blaster anymore... in his
hands there was now a new black and deadly looking pistol... and many new other weapons
and items lay around in the level, and from the distance he could hear the first battle
sounds of other players. Suddenly, some arrows crushed left and right from his head into
the wall! Arrows in Quake2? The third arrow aimed between the last two..and John was down
the first time. Re-spawning again he kept standing in a dark corner and watched the battle
which was running there before him. Strange and interesting weapons where used:
handgrenades which blinded or poisoned the enemies, enhanced supershotguns which used
explosive ammo, a new type of rocket came flying past which looked like using a guiding
system ... and once he could swear seeing a guy running around with a real broadsword!
John heard the crackle of running chainsaws, other Quakers swinging around with something
that looked like a grappling hook device and again other Quakers which placed things that
could be some kind of auto sentry turrets. At the end he was hunted out of his hideout by
some little giggling fellows which looked like a crossing of jumping smilies and proximity
mines. After running down the hallway some feet there was suddenly a guy standing before
him holding the well-known BFG in his hands. But John also got one of the new weapons
during his sprint: a machine which shot out a fast rotating buzzsaw blade, bouncing off
the walls two times hitting this BFG-guy into the back. The opponent went down with a more
unusual death cry. John was amused! His first kill in this game. Nice! ...Moving away from
the corpse of his opponent he realized a rushing sound growing behind him. John turned
around and saw some strange looking golden rings rotating in mid-air...and his former
'kill' running away alive! Looks like this guy only played and FAKED his death! After
seeing the first lightnings striking out of the middle of those rings, John realized this
strange device his friend left behind was a so called 'vortex', a 'portable
mini-black-hole'. He unfortunately had nothing to hold on and got sucked in! (Slurp!)
At this moment, the game stopped! Looked like the time-limit of the old level exceeded
and the server started a new game. John was surprised: the same level? But all the lights
were shut down! John switched on the flashlight he got aware of. "Ok, here I am! I
still have to learn much things here, but I also won't make your life easy any longer! Try
to get me!!" John smiled: every new feature here provided a complete new strategy he
could try and use... and suddenly, playing good old Quake2 started to make fun again... |
